How to Use ABCI Cloud Storage
This section describes how to use ABCI Cloud Storage as a client tool by using AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
Unintended charges may occur if the data upload fails. See here for a workaround.
Load Module
On the ABCI system, AWS CLI is available both in interactive nodes and in compute nodes. Load the module before using AWS CLI as following.
[username@es1 ~]$ module load aws-cli
When using AWS CLI outside ABCI (for example, on your PC), get AWS CLI from here and install it by following the guide.
In order to access ABCI Cloud Storage, ABCI users need to use a Cloud Storage Account that is different from ABCI account. Users are allowed to have multiple Cloud Storage Accounts. Access Key which is a pair of Access Key ID and Secret Access Key is issued for each Cloud Storage Account. If a user belongs to multiple ABCI groups and uses ABCI Cloud Storage from multiple groups, multiple Cloud Storage Accounts is issued per group. When accessing ABCI Cloud Storage for the first time, Access Key should be set up in AWS CLI as shown below. Specify us-east-1
as region name.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: ACCESS-KEY-ID
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: SECRET-ACCESS-KEY
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]:(No input required)
A user can switch with the option '--profile' if a user has multiple Cloud Storage Accounts. In order to configure the Cloud Storage Account 'aaa00000.2', for example, follow the instruction below.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws configure --profile aaa00000.2
AWS Access Key ID [None]: aaa00000.2's ACCESS-KEY-ID
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: aaa00000.2's SECRET-ACCESS-KEY
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]:(No input required)
When running the AWS commands with the Cloud Storage Account 'aaa00000.2', use the option '--profile' as follows.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --profile aaa00000.2 --endpoint-url s3api list-buckets
The configuration is stored in the home directory(i.e. ~/.aws). Therefore, it is not necessarily done in the compute node once it is done in the interacvtive node.
To reissuing or deleting Access Keys, use ABCI User Portal.
This section explains basic operations, such as creating buckets and uploading data and so forth.
For the Begining
Here is basic knowledge which is necessary so as to use AWS CLI.
The structure of AWS CLI commands is shown below.
aws [options] <command> <subcommand> [parameters]
For instance, in a sentence aws --endpoint-url s3 ls
, s3 is a <command> and ls is a <subcommand> (ls command of s3 command or s3 ls command).
The command s3
will show the path of an object in S3 URI.
The following example shows how s3 works.
In this example, bucket-1
means a name of the bucket and project-1/docs/fig1.png
is an object key (or a key name). The part project-1/docs/
is called prefix which is used for describing object keys as if they are as hierarchic systems as "folders" in file systems.
There are rules for naming buckets.
- It must be unique across ABCI Cloud Storage.
- The numbers of characters should be between 3 and 63.
- It can not include underscores (_).
- The first character must be a small letter of alphabets or numbers.
- A structure such as IP address (e.g. is not allowed.
- Using dots(.) is not recommended.
To name object keys, UTF-8 characters are available though, there are special characters which should be preferably avoided.
- There is no problem with using hyphens (-), underscores (_) and periods (.).
- Five characters, exclamation mark (!), asterisk (*), apostrophe ('), left parenthesis ('(') and right parenthesis (')'), are available if they are properly used (e.g. escaping or quoting in shell scripts).
Special characters other than the ones mentioned above should be avoided.
Specify as an endpoint (--endpoint-url).
Create Bucket
To create a bucket, use s3 mb command. A bucket whose name is 'dataset-summer-2012', for example, can be created by running aws commands as following.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 mb s3://dataset-summer-2012
make_bucket: dataset-summer-2012
List Bucket
To show the list of buckets created on the ABCI group, run aws --endpoint-url s3 ls
For example
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 ls
2019-06-15 10:47:37 testbucket1
2019-06-15 18:10:37 testbucket2
List Object
To show the list of objects in the bucket, run aws --endpoint-url s3 ls s3://bucket-name
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 ls s3://mybucket
PRE pics/
2019-07-05 17:33:05 4 test1.txt
2019-07-05 21:12:47 4 test2.txt
In order to list objects that have prefix 'pics/', for example, add prefix after the bucket name.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 ls s3://mybucket/pics/
2019-07-29 21:55:57 1048576 test3.png
2019-07-29 21:55:59 1048576 test4.png
The option '--recursive' can list all objects in a bucket.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 ls s3://mybucket --recursive
2019-07-05 17:33:05 4 test1.txt
2019-07-05 21:12:47 4 test2.txt
2019-07-29 21:55:57 1048576 pics/test3.png
2019-07-29 21:55:59 1048576 pics/test4.png
Copy data (Upload, Download, Copy)
Data can be copied from the file system to a bucket in ABCI Cloud Storage, from a bucket in ABCI Cloud Storage to the file system and from a bucket in ABCI Cloud Storage to another bucket in ABCI Cloud Storage.
Example: Copy the file '0001.jpg' to the bucket 'dataset-c0541'
[username@es1 ~]$ ls images
0001.jpg 0002.jpg 0003.jpg 0004.jpg
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 cp ./images/0001.jpg s3://dataset-c0541/
upload: images/0001.jpg to s3://dataset-c0541/0001.jpg
[username@es1 ~]$
Example: Copy files in the directory 'images' to the bucket 'dataset-c0542'
[username@es1 ~]$ ls images
0001.jpg 0002.jpg 0003.jpg 0004.jpg
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 cp images s3://dataset-c0542/ --recursive
upload: images/0001.jpg to s3://dataset-c0542/0001.jpg
upload: images/0002.jpg to s3://dataset-c0542/0002.jpg
upload: images/0003.jpg to s3://dataset-c0542/0003.jpg
upload: images/0004.jpg to s3://dataset-c0542/0004.jpg
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 ls s3://dataet-c0542/
2019-06-10 19:03:19 1048576 0001.jpg
2019-06-10 19:03:19 1048576 0002.jpg
2019-06-10 19:03:19 1048576 0003.jpg
2019-06-10 19:03:19 1048576 0004.jpg
[username@es1 ~]$
Example: Copy the file 'logo.png' from the bucket 'dataset-tmpl-c0000' to the bucket 'dataset-c0541'
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 cp s3://dataset-tmpl-c0000/logo.png s3://dataset-c0541/logo.png
copy: s3://dataset-tmpl-c0000/logo.png to s3://dataset-c0541/logo.png
Move Data
To move objects, use aws mv. It allows users to move objects from the local file system to a bucket and vice versa. Time stamps are not be preserved. This command can handle objects which have specific prefix with option '--recursive' and files which are stored in specific directories.
The example shown next transfers '' in current directory to a bucket 'dataset-c0541' in ABCI Cloud Storage.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 mv s3://dataset-c0541/
move: ./ to s3://dataset-c0541/
The example shown next transfers the objects which have prefix 'sensor-1' in a bucket 'dataset-c0541' to a bucket 'dataset-c0542'.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 mv s3://dataset-c0541/sensor-1/ s3://dataset-c0542/sensor-1/ --recursive
move: s3://dataset-c0541/sensor-1/0001.dat to s3://dataset-c0542/sensor-1/0001.dat
move: s3://dataset-c0541/sensor-1/0003.dat to s3://dataset-c0542/sensor-1/0003.dat
move: s3://dataset-c0541/sensor-1/0004.dat to s3://dataset-c0542/sensor-1/0004.dat
move: s3://dataset-c0541/sensor-1/0002.dat to s3://dataset-c0542/sensor-1/0002.dat
Synchronize Local Directory with ABCI Cloud Storage
Here is an example that synchronizes a directory 'sensor2' in current directory and a bucket 'mybucket'. If an option '--delete' is not given, exsiting objects in the bucket will not be deleted and exsiting objects which have same names with the ones in the current directory will be overwritten. When executing same command again, only updated data will be sent.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 sync ./sensor2 s3://mybucket/
upload: sensor2/0002.dat to s3://mybucket/0002.dat
upload: sensor2/0004.dat to s3://mybucket/0004.dat
upload: sensor2/0001.dat to s3://mybucket/0001.dat
upload: sensor2/0003.dat to s3://mybucket/0003.dat
The following example sychronizes objects with the prefix 'rev1' in the bucket 'sensor3' to the directory 'testdata.'
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 sync s3://sensor3/rev1/ testdata
download: s3://sensor3/rev1/ to testdata/
download: s3://sensor3/rev1/ to testdata/
download: s3://sensor3/rev1/ to testdata/
download: s3://sensor3/rev1/ to testdata/
When executing same command again, data whose size is not changed will be ignored even though the data is actually updated. In that case, the option '--exact-timestamps' enables to syncronize them. This option syncronizes all objects particularly only in the ABCI environment.
Delete Object
To delete an object, use aws s3 rm <S3Uri> [parameters]
For example
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 rm s3://mybucket/readme.txt
delete: s3://mybucket/readme.txt
The option '--recursive' enables to delete objects which are located under specified prefix.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 ls s3://mybucket --recursive
2019-07-30 20:46:53 32 a.txt
2019-07-30 20:46:53 32 b.txt
2019-07-31 14:51:50 512 xml/c.xml
2019-07-31 14:51:54 512 xml/d.xml
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 rm s3://mybucket/xml --recursive
delete: s3://mybucket/xml/c.xml
delete: s3://mybucket/xml/d.xml
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 ls s3://mybucket --recursive
2019-07-30 20:46:53 32 a.txt
2019-07-30 20:46:53 32 b.txt
Delete Bucket
The command example shown next deletes the bucket 'dataset-c0541.'
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 rb s3://dataset-c0541
remove_bucket: dataset-c0541
An error will happen when deleting non-empty buckets. By adding the option '--force', both ojects in the bucket and the bucket itself can be deleted.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url rb s3://dataset-c0542 --force
delete: s3://dataset-c0542/0001.jpg
delete: s3://dataset-c0542/0002.jpg
delete: s3://dataset-c0542/0003.jpg
delete: s3://dataset-c0542/0004.jpg
remove_bucket: dataset-c0542
Check Object Owner
To display object owner, use the s3api get-object-acl
command. As shown in the example below, BUCKET is the bucket name, OBJECT is the object name and the owner is displayed in "Owner".
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3api get-object-acl --bucket BUCKET --key OBJECT
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "ABCIGROUP",
"ID": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"Grants": [
"Grantee": {
"DisplayName": "ABCIGROUP",
"ID": "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
"Type": "CanonicalUser"
"Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
Uploading from a local file system, client applications upload data efficiently by automatically splitting the data and sending it in parallel. This is called a multipart upload (MPU). MPU is applied when the threshold of data size defined in the client application is exceeded. For instance, the default threshold is 8MB for aws-cli and 15MB for s3cmd.
Uploading Data with Manual MPU
The following describes how to apply MPU manually.
It is recommended to use MPU automatically by the client application.
First, using the split
command to split the file. In the following example,
15M_test.dat is divided into three parts.
[username@es1 ~]$ split -n 3 -d 15M_test.dat mpu_part-
total 3199056
-rw-r----- 1 username group 15728640 Nov 30 15:42 15M_test.dat
-rw-r----- 1 username group 5242880 Nov 30 15:51 mpu_part-02
-rw-r----- 1 username group 5242880 Nov 30 15:51 mpu_part-01
-rw-r----- 1 username group 5242880 Nov 30 15:51 mpu_part-00
[username@es1 ~]$
Then starting MPU with the command s3api create-multipart-upload
, specifying the destination bucket and path. The following example creates an object named 'mpu-sample' in the bucket 'testbucket-00'. If successful, UploadId
is issued as follows:
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3api create-multipart-upload --bucket testbucket-00 --key mpu-sample
"Bucket": "testbucket-00",
"Key": "mpu-sample",
"UploadId": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
To Upload files splited above use the s3api part-upload
command, with the 'UpLoadId' specified above. Note the 'ETag' for later use.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3api upload-part --bucket testbucket-00 --key mpu-sample --part-number 1 --body mpu_part-00 --upload-id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"ETag": "\"sample1d8560e70ca076c897e0715024\""
Similarly, it sequentially uploads the rest of the files corresponding to the values specified by --part-number
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3api upload-part --bucket testbucket-00 --key mpu-sample --part-number 2 --body mpu_part-01 --upload-id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"ETag": "\"samplee36a6ef6ae8f2c0ea3328c5e7c\""
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3api upload-part --bucket testbucket-00 --key mpu-sample --part-number 3 --body mpu_part-02 --upload-id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"ETag": "\"sample9e391d5673d2bfd8951367eb01\""
[username@es1 ~]$
Uploaded data by s3api upload-parts
is not displayed but charged, so MPU must be completed or aborted.
After uploading all the files, create a JSONE file with the ETag value as follows:
[username@es1 ~]$ cat mpu_fileparts.json
"ETag": "sample1d8560e70ca076c897e0715024",
"PartNumber": 1
"ETag": "samplee36a6ef6ae8f2c0ea3328c5e7c",
"PartNumber": 2
"ETag": "sample9e391d5673d2bfd8951367eb01",
"PartNumber": 3
Finally, to complete MPU use the command s3api complete-multipart-upload
. At this time, the object is created that you specify with --key
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3api complete-multipart-upload --multipart-upload file://mpu_fileparts.json --bucket testbucket-00 --key mpu-sample --upload-id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"Location": "",
"Bucket": "testbucket-00",
"Key": "mpu-sample",
"ETag": "\"6203f5cdbecbe0556e2313691861cb99-3\""
You can verify that the object has been created as follows:
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3 ls s3://testbucket-00/
2020-12-01 09:28:03 15728640 mpu-sample
Aborting Data Upload with Manual MPU
First, display MPU list and get UploadId
and Key
from the list.
To list MPU, use the s3api list-multipart-uploads
command with the bucket name. If there is no MPU left, nothing is displayed.
The following example shows data remaining on the server while uploading the object "data_10gib-1.dat" to 's3://BUCKET/Testdata/'.
The path and object name are displayed in Key
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket BUCKET
"Uploads": [
"UploadId": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
"Key": "Testdata/data_10gib-1.dat",
"Initiated": "2019-11-12T09:58:16.242000+00:00",
"StorageClass": "STANDARD",
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "ABCI GROUP",
"ID": "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb"
"Initiator": {
"ID": "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:user/USERNAME",
"DisplayName": "USERNAME"
Then, aborting the MPU, deletes the data on the server.
To abort the MPU, use s3api abort -multipart -upload
command with specified UploadId
and Key
of the MPU. If the command succeeds, a prompt is returned.
[username@es1 ~]$ aws --endpoint-url s3api abort-multipart-upload --bucket Testdata --key Testdata/data_10gib-1.dat --upload-id aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[username@es1 ~]$