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Appendix. SSH Access to Compute Nodes

If you run a job with the resource type rt_F and rt_AF, you can enable SSH login to the compute nodes by specifying options when running qrsh or qsub command.

Option Description
-l USE_SSH=1 Enable SSH login to the compute nodes.
-v SSH_PORT=port Specify the port number (default: 2222) in the range of 2200-2299.
-v ALLOW_GROUP_SSH=1 Allow SSH login by other accounts in the ABCI group specified when submitting the job.

If you enable this option, you will be able to login to the compute nodes from the interactive nodes with SSH. If you are running a job that uses multiple nodes, you will be able to login to each other between compute nodes.

By default, only the user who submitted the job can login with SSH. By using the -v ALLOW_GROUP_SSH=1 option, other users belonging to the ABCI group specified when submitting the job will also be able to login with SSH. And, when the job finishes executing, the session logged in to the compute node is automatically disconnected.

The following is an example of a job script when executing the qsub command:


#$-l rt_F=2
#$-l USE_SSH=1
#$-v SSH_PORT=2299


When the job starts running, check the compute nodes assigned with the qstat command.

[username@es1 ~]$ qstat -j 12345 | grep exec_host_list
exec_host_list        1:    g0001:80, g0002:80

As mentioned above, it was confirmed that g0001 andg0002 were assigned.

Next, login from the interactive node to the compute node (es1 -> g0001) using the port number specified in the option.

[username@es1 ~]$ ssh -p 2299 g0001
[username@g0001 ~]$ 

And, you are also able to login to each other between compute nodes (g0001 -> g0002).

[username@g0001 ~]$ ssh -p 2299 g0002
[username@g0002 ~]$

qrsh command can also be executed with -l USE_SSH=1 option.

[username@es1 ~]$ qrsh -g grpname -l rt_F=1 -l USE_SSH=1 -v SSH_PORT=2299
[username@g0001 ~]$ hostname -s

Next, login the interactive node to the compute node with using another terminal.

[username@es1 ~]$ ssh -p 2299 g0001
[username@g0001 ~]$