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cuQuantum Appliance

About cuQuantum Appliance

NVIDIA cuQuantum is a software development kit that enables acceleration of quantum circuit simulations on GPUs. It supports IBM Qiskit Aer and Google Cirq qsim as quantum circuit simulation frameworks.

The NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance is a containerized software that makes it easy to use NVIDIA cuQuantum and enables execution of quantum circuit simulations using multiple GPUs and nodes.

This document explains how to use cuQuantum Appliance according to the following flow.

  1. Convert cuQuantum Appliance to Singularity image executable by ABCI.
  2. Run IBM Qiskit Aer state vector simulations on a single node and multiple GPUs.
  3. Run state vector simulations with CUDA-aware Open MPI on multi-node multi-GPUs.

Creating Singularity Images

Create a Singularity image from the cuQuantum Appliance Docker image available at NVIDIA NGC (hereafter referred to as NGC).

First, submit an interactive job and log in to the computation node. After logging into the compute node, load the singularitypro module.

[username@es1 ~]$ qrsh -g grpname -l rt_F=1 -l h_rt=1:00:00
[username@g0001 ~]$ module load singularitypro

Next, pull the cuQuantum Appliance Docker image provided by NGC as cuquantum-appliance.img (any name).

[username@g0001 ~]$ SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=$SGE_LOCALDIR singularity pull cuquantum-appliance.img docker://

The singularity build/pull command uses /tmp as the location for temporary files. The cuQuantum Appliance is a large container and singularity build/pull on a compute node will fail due to insufficient space in /tmp. So we set the SINGULARITY_TMPDIR environment variable to use local scratch.

The following is how to use the created Singularity image cuquantum-appliance.img.

[username@g0001 ~]$ singularity run ./cuquantum-appliance.img

The cuQuantum Appliance will start as follows.

== NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance ==

NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance 23.03

Copyright (c) NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES.  All rights reserved.


Single node multi-GPU execution

Execution in batch jobs

Open MPI is installed in the docker container of the cuQuantum Appliance. On a single node, simulations can be run on multiple GPUs using it.

Here we are running the sample program from the cuQuantum Appliance documentation, saved as

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile
from qiskit import Aer

def create_ghz_circuit(n_qubits):
    circuit = QuantumCircuit(n_qubits)
    for qubit in range(n_qubits - 1):, qubit + 1)
    return circuit

simulator = Aer.get_backend('aer_simulator_statevector')
circuit = create_ghz_circuit(n_qubits=20)
circuit = transpile(circuit, simulator)
job =
result = job.result()

if result.mpi_rank == 0:
    print(f'backend: {result.backend_name}')

Prepare a batch script (any name) and submit the job.

[username@es1 ~]$ cat
#$-l rt_F=1
#$-j y
source /etc/profile.d/
module load singularitypro
export UCX_WARN_UNUSED_ENV_VARS=n # suppress UCX warning
singularity exec --nv cuquantum-appliance.img mpiexec -n 4 python3

[username@es1 ~]$ qsub -g grpname

The results are as follows.

{'11111111111111111111': 501, '00000000000000000000': 523}
backend: cusvaer_simulator_statevector

Multi-node multi-GPU execution

The Open MPI provided by ABCI is not compatible with the CUDA-aware Open MPI included in the cuQuantum Appliance. To perform multi-node execution, the same version of CUDA-aware Open MPI is required. Using Spack, CUDA-aware Open MPI is compiled and installed from source code.

Installing CUDA-aware Open MPI with Spack

Install Open MPI based on Software Management with Spack.

Build a Spack environment

Clone Spack from GitHub and checkout the version to be used.

[username@es1 ~]$ git clone
[username@es1 ~]$ cd ./spack
[username@es1 ~/spack]$ git checkout v0.19.2


The latest version as of April 2023, v0.19.2, will be used.

After that, you can use Spack by loading the script that activates Spack on the terminal.

[username@es1 ~]$ source ${HOME}/spack/share/spack/

Next, create a directory in which to place the configuration files.

[username@es1 ~]$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/.spack/$(spack arch --platform)

Finally, configure the software ABCI provide, depending on the compute nodes that will use Spack.

Compute Node(V):

[username@es1 ~]$ cp /apps/spack/vnode/compilers.yaml ${HOME}/.spack/linux/
[username@es1 ~]$ cp /apps/spack/vnode/packages.yaml ${HOME}/.spack/linux/

Compute Node(A):

[username@es-a1 ~]$ cp /apps/spack/anode/compilers.yaml ${HOME}/.spack/linux/
[username@es-a1 ~]$ cp /apps/spack/anode/packages.yaml ${HOME}/.spack/linux/

Installing CUDA-aware Open MPI

To perform installation on a compute node equipped with a GPU, submit an interactive job and log in to the compute node.

[username@es1 ~]$ qrsh -g grpname -l rt_F=1 -l h_rt=1:00:00

Install CUDA and UCX, the communication library required by cuQuantum Appliance, specifying the version.


The communication libraries required by the cuQuantum Appliance are listed in this document and version 23.03 requires the following libraries, versions:

  • Open MPI: 4.1.4
  • UCX: 1.13.1
[username@g0001 ~]$ source ${HOME}/spack/share/spack/
[username@g0001 ~]$ spack install cuda@11.8.0
[username@g0001 ~]$ spack install ucx@1.13.1

Install Open MPI with CUDA-aware. Specify SGE as the scheduler and UCX as the communication library.

[username@g0001 ~]$ spack install openmpi@4.1.4 +cuda schedulers=sge fabrics=ucx ^cuda@11.8.0 ^ucx@1.13.1

Execution in batch jobs

Here we are running the sample program from the cuQuantum Appliance documentation, saved as

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile
from cusvaer.backends import StatevectorSimulator
# import mpi4py here to call MPI_Init()
from mpi4py import MPI

options = {
  'cusvaer_global_index_bits': [2, 1],
  'cusvaer_p2p_device_bits': 2,
  'precision': 'single'

def create_ghz_circuit(n_qubits):
    ghz = QuantumCircuit(n_qubits)
    for qubit in range(n_qubits - 1):, qubit + 1)
    return ghz

circuit = create_ghz_circuit(33)

# Create StatevectorSimulator instead of using Aer.get_backend()
simulator = StatevectorSimulator()
circuit = transpile(circuit, simulator)
job =
result = job.result()

print(f"Result: rank: {result.mpi_rank}, size: {result.num_mpi_processes}")

Prepare a job script (any name) using two computation nodes and submit the job.

[username@es1 ~]$ cat
#$-l rt_F=2
#$-j y
source /etc/profile.d/
module load singularitypro
source ${HOME}/spack/share/spack/
spack load openmpi@4.1.4
export UCX_WARN_UNUSED_ENV_VARS=n # suppress UCX warning
MPIOPTS="-np 8 -map-by ppr:4:node -hostfile $SGE_JOB_HOSTLIST"
mpiexec $MPIOPTS  singularity exec --nv cuquantum-appliance.img python3

[username@es1 ~]$ qsub -g grpname

The results are as follows.

Result: rank: 3, size: 8
Result: rank: 1, size: 8
Result: rank: 7, size: 8
Result: rank: 5, size: 8
Result: rank: 4, size: 8
Result: rank: 6, size: 8
Result: rank: 2, size: 8
Result: rank: 0, size: 8

Here, the script starts two Full nodes in the compute node (V) with rt_F=2. Correspondingly, the options are set as follows:

options = {
  'cusvaer_global_index_bits': [2, 1],
  'cusvaer_p2p_device_bits': 2,
  'precision': 'single'


cusvaer_global_index_bits is a list of positive integers that represents the inter-node network structure.

Assuming 8 nodes has faster communication network in a cluster, and running 32 node simulation, the value of cusvaer_global_index_bits is [3, 2]. The first 3 is log2(8) representing 8 nodes with fast communication which corresponding to 3 qubits in the state vector. The second 2 means 4 8-node groups in 32 nodes. The sum of the global_index_bits elements is 5, which means the number of nodes is 32 = 2^5.

cusvaer — NVIDIA cuQuantum 23.03.0 documentation

In a compute node (V), there are four GPUs per node. The 4 nodes in the cluster are communicating at the high speeds mentioned in the description above. Since we have two compute nodes (V) activated, we have two 4-node groups. Therefore, we set 'cusvaer_global_index_bits': [2, 1].


cusvaer_p2p_device_bits option is to specify the number of GPUs that can communicate by using GPUDirect P2P.

For 8 GPU node such as DGX A100, the number is log2(8) = 3.

The value of cusvaer_p2p_device_bits is typically the same as the first element of cusvaer_global_index_bits as the GPUDirect P2P network is typically the fastest in a cluster.

cusvaer — NVIDIA cuQuantum 23.03.0 documentation

For compute nodes (V), 'cusvaer_p2p_device_bits': 2 since there are 4 GPUs on each node.

Also, for the calculation precision, 'precision': 'single' is used, and complex64 is used.

For more information on options, see cuQuantum Appliance documentation.


  1. NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance
  2. Best-in-Class Quantum Circuit Simulation at Scale with NVIDIA cuQuantum Appliance