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Development Tools

GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)

GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is available on the ABCI System.

List of compile/link command of GCC:

Parallelism Programming Language command
Serial Fortran gfortran
C gcc
C++ g++
MPI parallel Fortran mpifort
C mpicc
C++ mpic++

Intel oneAPI

Intel oneAPI is available on the ABCI System. To use Intel oneAPI, set up user environment by the module command. If you set up with the module command in compute node, environment variables for compilation and execution are set automatically.

Setting command for Intel oneAPI is following:

[username@login1 ~]$ module load intel/2024.2.1

List of compile/link commands of Intel oneAPI:

Programming Language command
Fortran ifx
C icx
C++ icpx


The compilers provided on the ABCI System support thread parallelization by OpenMP specifications. To activate the OpenMP specifications, specify the compile option as follows:

Compile option
GCC -fopenmp
Intel oneAPI -qopenmp


CUDA is available on the ABCI System. To use CUDA compiler, set up user environment by the module command. If you set up with the module command in compute node, environment variables for compilation and execution are set automatically.

Programming Language command
C++ nvcc