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1. New Application

Access New Application on ABCI User Portal.

1.1. Agree to Terms of Use


Refer to the terms of use and select "Agree" if you agree. In addition, refer to the identity confirmation request, and click "I agree with all and move on to the next" if you agree.


Please refer to the following URL for documenation of "terms of use."
Please refer to the following URL for documenation of "Joint Research with AIST".

1.2. Apply for group


Select "New" and click the "Next" button.

1.3. Enter the Application Group Information


Enter all items, and click the "Next" button.

1.4. Enter Responsible Person Information


Enter the application responsible person information, and click the "OK" button. The entry of "*" is mandatory.


If ABCI account name is blank, a new account will be issued when application is approved.

1.5. Enter User Information


When clicking the "Add" button, screen for user input will be displayed.


Enter each items about users who participate in the group, and click the "OK" button. The entry of "*" is mandatory.

In the case of Student, etc. in Japan, a declaration regarding "Specific Category Applicability" must be selected.



If ABCI account name is blank, a new account will be issued when application is approved.


The list of users you entered will be shown.
To add a user who has already acquired an ABCI account, click the "Add an existing account easily" button, screen for the ABCI account name input will be displayed.


Enter the existing ABCI acount name and e-mail address and click the "OK" button. Check "Presence or absence of administrator authority" if you want administrator auhority delegated.


If there are any changes or missing items in the registration information, press the "Previous" button, then click the "Add" button and enter all the necessary information and apply.


The list of users entered for easily addition is displayed.
Full name, Affiliation, etc. will be displayed as "****".
To add multiple users at once, click the "Batch add from CSV file" button, screen for CSV file selection will be displayed.


Download the CSV file from "Download file for batch addtion", and choose the file in which each item is entered by "Choose file". After selecting the files, click the "Batch add".


The list of users entered for batch addition is displayed.
When clicking the "Modify" button, you can modify the target user information.
When clicking the "Delete" button, you can delete the target user.


In the case of Japanese Student, etc., the "Declaration for the Applicability of the Specific Categories" must be submitted.


the Applicability of the Specific Categories



The declaration file must include all students in the ABCI Group.

When clicking the "Next" button, screen for confirmation will be displayed.

1.6. Confirm the Input Information


Confirm the input information and click the "Next" button, To modify the input information, click the "Modify" button.

1.7. Modify the Input Information


On the screen for modification, you can modify group information, responsible person information and user information you entered. When you click the "Modify" button, screen for modification will be displayed. To delete user information, click the "Delete" button. To add user information, click the "Add" button. To save your application temporarily, click the "Save temporarily" button.

1.8. Image Authentication


Enter the number of 6 characters in the image and click the "Apply" button. If it is difficult to read numbers, click the "Reload" button. A different image will be displayed.

1.9. Application Completed


Your new application is completed with the above message. A confirmation e-mail is sent to the responsible person and administrators automatically. If it has not arrived after a while, the e-mail address may be incorrect. Please contact our reception staff at

When the application is approved at a later date, an e-mail notification will be sent.

1.10. Save Application Temporarily

Click the "Save temporarily" button on the screen for user input or modification.

1.10.1. Image Authentication


Enter 6 numeric characters and click the "Next" button. If you cannot read numbers, click the "Reload" button to change the image.

1.10.2. Email Address for Notification


Enter your e-mail address and password, and click the "Next" button. This e-mail address and password are only used for resumption.


The URL for resumption will be notified to the e-mail address. To resume the application, launch your favorite browser and copy/paste the URL.

1.10.3. Enter Password for Authentication


Enter the password, and click the "Next" button.


You can resume the application from "User Input".

1.11. Reapply for the sent back application

If there is any deficiency in the application content, it may be sent back. The reason for sent back and the URL for resumption will be notified to the e-mail address of responsible person. This will also be sent to the applicant who applied by logging in. To reapply for the application, launch your favorite browser and copy/paste the URL.


You can correct it from the input content correction screen and apply again.