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Job Execution

Job Services

The following job services are available in the ABCI System.

Service name Description Service charge coefficient Job style
On-demand Job service of interactive execution 1.0 Interactive
Spot Job service of batch execution 1.0 Batch
Reserved Job service of reservation 1.5 Batch/Interactive

For the job execution resources available for each job service and the restrictions, see Job Execution Resources. Also, for accounting, see Accounting.

On-demand Service

On-demand service is an interactive job execution service suitable for compiling and debugging programs, interactive applications, and running visualization software.

See Interactive Jobs for usage, and Job Execution Options for details on interactive job execution options.

Spot Service

Spot Service is a batch job execution service suitable for executing applications that do not require interactive processing. It is possible to execute jobs that take longer or have a higher degree of parallelism than On-demand service.

See Batch Jobs for usage, and Job Execution Options for details on batch job execution options.

Reserved Service

Reserved service is a service that allows you to reserve and use computational resources on a daily basis in advance. It allows planned job execution without being affected by the congenstions of On-demand and Spot services. In addition, since you can reserve more days than the elapsed time limit of the Spot Service, it is possible to execute jobs for a longer time.

In Reserved service, you first make a reservation in advance to obtain a reservation ID (AR-ID), and then use this reservation ID to execute interactive jobs and batch jobs.

See Advance Reservation for the reservation method. The usage and execution options for interactive jobs and batch jobs are the same as for On-demand and Spot services.

Job Execution Resource

The ABCI System allocates system resources to jobs using resource type that means logical partition of compute nodes. When using any of the On-demand, Spot, and Reserved services, you need to specify the resource type and its quantity that you want to use, submit or execute jobs, and reserves compute nodes.

The following describes the available resource types first, followed by the restrictions on the amount of resources available at the same time, elapsed time and node-time product, job submissions and executions, and so on.

Available Resource Types

The ABCI system provides the following resource types:


The memory-intensive node service ended at 15:00 on October 27, 2023.

Compute Node (V)

Resource type Resource type name Description Assigned physical CPU core Number of assigned GPU Memory (GiB) Local storage (GB) Resource type charge coefficient
Full rt_F node-exclusive 40 4 360 1440 1.20
G.large rt_G.large node-sharing
with GPU
20 4 240 720 1.08
G.small rt_G.small node-sharing
with GPU
5 1 60 180 0.36
C.large rt_C.large node-sharing
CPU only
20 0 120 720 0.72
C.small rt_C.small node-sharing
CPU only
5 0 30 180 0.24

Compute Node (A)

Resource type Resource type name Description Assigned physical CPU core Number of assigned GPU Memory (GiB) Local storage (GB) Resource type charge coefficient
Full rt_AF node-exclusive 72 8 480 34401 6.00
AG.small rt_AG.small node-sharing
with GPU
9 1 60 390 1.00

Number of nodes available at the same time

The available resource type and number of nodes for each service are as follows. When you execute a job using multiple nodes, you need to specify resource type rt_F or rt_AF.

Service Resource type name Number of nodes
On-demand rt_F 1-32
rt_G.large 1
rt_G.small 1
rt_C.large 1
rt_C.small 1
rt_AF 1-4
rt_AG.small 1
Spot rt_F 1-512
rt_G.large 1
rt_G.small 1
rt_C.large 1
rt_C.small 1
rt_AF 1-64
rt_AG.small 1
Reserved rt_F 1-(number of reserved nodes)
rt_G.large 1
rt_G.small 1
rt_C.large 1
rt_C.small 1
rt_AF 1-(number of reserved nodes)
rt_AG.small 1

Elapsed time and node-time product limits

There is an elapsed time limit (executable time limit) for jobs depending on the job service and resource type. The upper limit and default values are shown below.

Service Resource type name Limit of elapsed time (upper limit/default)
On-demand rt_F, rt_AF 12:00:00/1:00:00
rt_G.large, rt_C.large 12:00:00/1:00:00
rt_G.small, rt_C.small, rt_AG.small 12:00:00/1:00:00
Spot rt_F 168:00:00/1:00:00
rt_AF 72:00:00/1:00:00
rt_G.large 168:00:00/1:00:00
rt_C.large 72:00:00/1:00:00
rt_G.small, rt_C.small, rt_AG.small 72:00:00/1:00:00
Reserved rt_F, rt_AF unlimited
rt_G.large, rt_C.large unlimited
rt_G.small, rt_C.small, rt_AG.small unlimited

In addition, when executing a job that uses multiple nodes in On-demand or Spot services, there are the following restrictions on the node-time product (execution time × number of used nodes).

Service max value of node-hour
On-demand 12 nodes · hours
Spot: Compute Node (V) 43008 nodes · hours
Spot: Compute Node (A) 2304 nodes · hours


There is no limit on the elapsed time in the Reserved service, but the job will be forcibly terminated when the reservation ends. See Advance Reservation for more information about restrictions on Reserved Services.

Limitation on the number of job submissions and executions

The job limit of submission and execution for the job service are as follows. The number of the submitted jobs to the reserved node is included in the number of unfinished/running jobs as well as other On-demand/Spot jobs and are affected by the limit.

Limitations Limits
The maximum number of tasks within an array job 75000
The maximum number of any user's unfinished jobs at the same time 1000
The maximum number of any user's running jobs at the same time 200

Until fiscal 2023, there was no limit on the number of jobs executed per resource type, and the system was allocated sequentially from the available calculation resources. Starting in fiscal 2024, we will impose restrictions on the number of running jobs at the same time per system for each resource type. The Job Services subject to this will be the On-demand Service and the Spot Service. Jobs submitted to reserved nodes in the Reserved service are not included in the count.

Resource type name Maximum number of running jobs at the same time per system
rt_F 918
rt_G.large, rt_C.large 170
rt_G.small, rt_C.small 680
rt_AF 115
rt_AG.small 40

Execution Priority

Each job service allows you to specify a priority when running a job, as follows:

Service Description POSIX priority POSIX priority coefficient
On-demand -450 default (unchangable) 1.0
Spot -500 default 1.0
-400 high priority 1.5
Reserved -500 default (unchangable) NA

In On-demand service, the priority is fixed at -450 and cannot be changed.

In Spot service, you can specify -400 to your job, so as to execute it in higher priority to other jobs. However, you will be charged according to the POSIX priority coefficient.

In Reserved service, the priority is fixed at -500 and cannot be changed for both interactive and batch jobs.

Job Execution Options

Use qrsh command to run interactive jobs and the qsub command to run batch jobs.

The major options of the qrsh and the qsub commands are follows.

Option Description
-g group Specify ABCI user group. You can only specify the ABCI group to which your ABCI account belongs.
-l resource_type=number Specify resource type (mandatory)
-l h_rt=[HH:MM:]SS Specify elapsed time by [HH:MM:]SS. When execution time of job exceed specified time, job is rejected.
-N name Specify job name. default is name of job script.
-o stdout_name Specify standard output stream of job
-p priority Specify POSIX priority for Spot service
-e stderr_name Specify standard error stream of job
-j y Specify standard error stream is merged into standard output stream
-m a Mail is sent when job is aborted
-m b Mail is sent when job is started
-m e Mail is sent when job is finished
-t start[-end[:step]] Specify task ID of array job. The suboption is start_number[-end_number[:step_size]]
-hold_jid job_id Specify job ID having dependency. The submitted job is not executed until dependent job finished. When this option is used by qrsh command, the command must be specified as an argument.
-ar ar_id Specify reserved ID (AR-ID), when using reserved compute node

In addition, the following options can be used as extended options:

Option Description
-l USE_SSH=1
-v SSH_PORT=port
Enable SSH login to the compute nodes. See SSH Access to Compute Nodes for details.
Submit a job with using BeeGFS On Demand (BeeOND). See Using as a BeeOND storage for details.
-v GPU_COMPUTE_MODE=mode Change GPU Compute Mode. See Changing GPU Compute Mode for details.
-l docker
-l docker_images
Submit a job with a Docker container. See Docker for details.
-l USE_EXTRA_NETWORK=1 To allow a calculation node assigned to a job not to be a minimum hop configuration. If this option is specified for a job with a short execution time, depending on the availability of computing resources, the job may be started earlier than when it was not specified, but communication performance may deteriorate.
-v ALLOW_GROUP_QDEL=1 Allow other accounts in the ABCI group specified when the job was submitted to delete this job.

Interactive Jobs

To run an interactive job, use the qrsh command.

$ qrsh -g group -l resource_type=number [option]

Example) Executing an interactive job (On-demand service)

[username@es1 ~]$ qrsh -g grpname -l rt_F=1 -l h_rt=1:00:00
[username@g0001 ~]$ 


If ABCI point is insufficient when executing an interactive job with On-demand service, the execution is failed.

To execute an application using X-Window, first you need to login with the X forwading option (-X or -Y option) as follows:

[yourpc ~]$ ssh -XC -p 10022 -l username localhost

After that, run an interactive job with specifying -pty yes -display $DISPLAY -v TERM /bin/bash:

[username@es1 ~]$ qrsh -g grpname -l rt_F=1 -l h_rt=1:00:00 -pty yes -display $DISPLAY -v TERM /bin/bash
[username@g0001 ~]$ xterm <- execute X application

Batch Jobs

To run a batch job on the ABCI System, you need to make a job script in addition to execution program. The job script is described job execute option, such as resource type, elapsed time limit, etc., and executing command sequence.


#$ -l rt_F=1
#$ -l h_rt=1:23:45
#$ -j y
#$ -cwd

[Initialization of Environment Modules]
[Setting of Environment Modules]
[Executing program]

Example) Sample job script executing program with CUDA


#$-l rt_F=1
#$-j y

source /etc/profile.d/
module load cuda/10.2/10.2.89

Submit a batch job

To submit a batch job, use the qsub command.

$ qsub -g group [option] job_script

Example) Submission job script as a batch job (Spot service)

[username@es1 ~]$ qsub -g grpname
Your job 12345 ("") has been submitted


The -g option cannot specify in job script.


If ABCI point is insufficient when executing a batch job with Spot service, the execution is failed.

Job submission error

If the batch job submission is successful, the exit status of the qsub command will be 0. If it fails, it will be a non-zero value and an error message will appear.

The following is a part of the error messages. If you want to confirm for errors not listed in the following table, please contact ABCI Support.

Error message Exit status Description
qsub: ERROR: error: ERROR! invalid option argument "XXX" 255 An invalid option was specified. Please check Job Execution Options.
Unable to run job: SIM0021: invalid option value: 'XXX' 1 An invalid value was specified for the option. Please check Job Execution Options.
Unable to run job: job rejected: the requested project "username" does not exist. 1 ABCI group not specified. Specify the ABCI group using the -g option.
Unable to run job: SIM4403: The amount of estimated consumed-point 'NNN' is over remaining point. Try 'show_point' for point information. 1 ABCI points are insufficient. Please refer Checking ABCI Point and check ABCI point usage.
Unable to run job: Resource type is not specified. Specify resource type with '-l' option. 1 Resource type and quantity not specified. Please check Job Execution Options
Unable to run job: SIM4702: Specified resource(XXX) is over limitation(NNN). 1 Requested resource exceeds limit. Please check Number of nodes available at the same time and Elapsed time and node-time product limits.

Show the status of batch jobs

To show the current status of batch jobs, use the qstat command.

$ qstat [option]

The major options of the qstat command are follows.

Option Description
-r Display resource information about job
-j Display additional information about job


[username@es1 ~]$ qstat
job-ID     prior   name       user         state submit/start at     queue                          jclass                         slots ja-task-ID
     12345 0.25586     username     r     06/27/2018 21:14:49 gpu@g0001                                                        80
Field Description
job-ID Job ID
prior Job priority
name Job name
user Job owner
state Job status (r: running, qw: waiting, d: delete, E: error)
submit/start at Job submission/start time
queue Queue name
jclass Job class name
slots Number of job slot (number of node x 80)
ja-task-ID Task ID of array job

Delete a batch job

To delete a batch job, use the qdel command.

$ qdel job_ID

Example) Delete a batch job

[username@es1 ~]$ qstat
job-ID     prior   name       user         state submit/start at     queue                          jclass                         slots ja-task-ID
     12345 0.25586     username     r     06/27/2018 21:14:49 gpu@g0001                                                        80
[username@es1 ~]$ qdel 12345
username has registered the job 12345 for deletion

Specifying the -v ALLOW_GROUP_QDEL=1 option when submitting a job enables accounts in the ABCI group specified by the -g group option of the qsub command to delete this job.
Specify the -g group option in the qdel command if you want other accounts to delete authorized jobs.

[username@es1 ~]$ qdel -g group 12345
username has registered the job 12345 for deletion
Option Description
-g group Specify ABCI user group. You can only specify the ABCI group to which your ABCI account belongs.

Stdout and Stderr of Batch Jobs

Standard output file and standard error output file are written to job execution directory, or to files specified at job submission. Standard output generated during a job execution is written to a standard output file and error messages generated during the job execution to a standard error output file if no standard output and standard err output files are specified at job submission, the following files are generated for output.

  • JOB_NAME.oJOB_ID --- Standard output file
  • JOB_NAME.eJOB_ID --- Standard error output file

Report batch job accounting

To report batch job accounting, use the qacct command.

$ qacct [options]

The major options of the qacct command are follows.

Option Description
-g group Display accounting information of jobs owend by group
-j job_id Display accounting information of job_id
-t n[-m[:s]] Specify task ID of array job. Suboption is start_number[-end_number[:step_size]]. Only available with the -j option.

Example) Report batch job accounting

[username@es1 ~]$ qacct -j 12345
qname        gpu
hostname     g0001
group        group 
owner        username
project      group 
department   group
jobnumber    12345
taskid       undefined
account      username
priority     0
cwd          NONE
submit_host  es1.abci.local
submit_cmd   /home/system/uge/latest/bin/lx-amd64/qsub -P username -l h_rt=600 -l rt_F=1
qsub_time    07/01/2018 11:55:14.706
start_time   07/01/2018 11:55:18.170
end_time     07/01/2018 11:55:18.190
granted_pe   perack17
slots        80
failed       0
deleted_by   NONE
exit_status  0
ru_wallclock 0.020
ru_utime     0.010
ru_stime     0.013
ru_maxrss    6480
ru_ixrss     0
ru_ismrss    0
ru_idrss     0
ru_isrss     0
ru_minflt    1407
ru_majflt    0
ru_nswap     0
ru_inblock   0
ru_oublock   8
ru_msgsnd    0
ru_msgrcv    0
ru_nsignals  0
ru_nvcsw     13
ru_nivcsw    1
wallclock    3.768
cpu          0.022
mem          0.000
io           0.000
iow          0.000
ioops        0
maxvmem      0.000
maxrss       0.000
maxpss       0.000
arid         undefined
jc_name      NONE

The major fields of accounting information are follows. For more detail, use man sge_accounting command.

Field Description
jobnunmber Job ID
taskid Task ID of array job
qsub_time Job submission time
start_time Job start time
end_time Job end time
failed Job end code managed by job scheduler
exit_status Job end status
wallclock Job running time (including pre/post process)

Environment Variables

During job execution, the following environment variables are available for the executing job script/binary.

Variable Name Description
ENVIRONMENT Altair Grid Engine fills in BATCH to identify it as an Altair Grid Engine job submitted with qsub.
JOB_NAME Name of the Altair Grid Engine job.
JOB_SCRIPT Name of the script, which is currently executed
NHOSTS The number of hosts on which this parallel job is executed
PE_HOSTFILE The absolute path includes hosts, slots and queue name
RESTARTED Indicates if the job was restarted (1) or if it is the first run (0)
SGE_ARDIR Path to the local storage assigned to the reserved service
SGE_BEEONDDIR Path to BeeOND storage allocated when BeeOND storage is utilized
SGE_JOB_HOSTLIST The absolute path includes only hosts assigned by Altair Grid Engine
SGE_LOCALDIR The local storage path assigned by Altair Grid Engine
SGE_O_WORKDIR The working directory path of the job submitter
SGE_TASK_ID Task number of the array job task the job represents (If is not an array task, the variable contains undefined)
SGE_TASK_FIRST Task number of the first array job task
SGE_TASK_LAST Task number of the last array job task
SGE_TASK_STEPSIZE Step size of the array job


Do not change these environment variables in a job because they are reserved by the job scheduler and may affect the job scheduler's behavior.

Advance Reservation

In the case of Reserved service, job execution can be scheduled by reserving compute node in advance.

The maximum number of nodes and the node-time product that can be reserved for this service is "Maximum reserved nodes per reservation" and "Maximum reserved node time per reservation" in the following table. In addition, in this service, the user can only execute jobs with the maximum number of reserved nodes. Note that there is an upper limit on "Maximum number of nodes can be reserved at once per system" for the entire system, so you may only be able to make reservations that fall below "Maximum reserved nodes per reservation" or you may not be able to make reservations. Each resource types are available for reserved compute nodes.

Item Description: Compute Node (V) Description: Compute Node (A)
Minimum reservation days 1 day 1 day
Maximum reservation days 30 days 30 days
Maximum number of nodes can be reserved at once per ABCI group 272 nodes 30 nodes
Maximum number of nodes can be reserved at once per system 476 nodes 30 nodes
Maximum reserved nodes per reservation 272 nodes 30 nodes
Maximum reserved node time per reservation 45,696 node x hour 6,912 node x hour
Start time of accept reservation 10:00 a.m. of 30 days ago 10:00 a.m. of 30 days ago
Closing time of accept reservation 9:00 p.m. of Start reservation of the day before 9:00 p.m. of Start reservation of the day before
Canceling reservation accept term 9:00 p.m. of Start reservation of the day before 9:00 p.m. of Start reservation of the day before
Reservation start time 10:00 a.m. of Reservation start day 10:00 a.m. of Reservation start day
Reservation end time 9:30 a.m. of Reservation end day 9:30 a.m. of Reservation end day

Make a reservation

To make a reservation compute node, use qrsub command or the ABCI User Portal. When the reservation is completed, a reservation ID will be issued. Please specify this reservation ID when using the reserved node.


Making reservation of compute node is permitted to a Responsible Person or User Administrators.

$ qrsub options
Option Description
-a YYYYMMDD Specify start reservation date (format: YYYYMMDD)
-d days Specify reservation day. exclusive with -e option
-e YYYYMMDD Specify end reservation date (format: YYYYMMDD). exclusive with -d option
-g group Specify ABCI UserGroup
-N name Specify reservation name. The reservation name can be alphanumeric and special characters =+-_.. The maximum length is 64 characters. However, the first letter must not be a number.
-n nnode Specify the number of nodes.
-l resource_type Specifies the resource type to reserve. ( default: rt_F )

Example) Make a reservation 4 compute nodes(V) from 2018/07/05 to 1 week (7 days)

[username@es1 ~]$ qrsub -a 20180705 -d 7 -g grpname -n 4 -N "Reserve_for_AI"
Your advance reservation 12345 has been granted

Example) Make a reservation 4 compute nodes(A) from 2021/07/05 to 1 week (7 days)

[username@es1 ~]$ qrsub -a 20210705 -d 7 -g grpname -n 4 -N "Reserve_for_AI" -l rt_AF
Your advance reservation 12345 has been granted

The ABCI points are consumed when complete reservation. In addition, the issued reservation ID can be used for the ABCI accounts belonging to the ABCI group specified at the time of reservation.


If the number of nodes that can be reserved is less than the number of nodes specified by the qrsub command, the reservation acquisition fails with the following error message:
advance_reservation: no suitable queues
Note that the number of nodes displayed by the qrstat --available command does not include currently running jobs. Therefore, even if the qrstat command shows the number of nodes that can be reserved, the reservation might fail.

Show the status of reservations

To show the current status of reservations, use the qrstat command or the ABCI User Portal.


[username@es1 ~]$ qrstat
ar-id      name       owner        state start at             end at               duration    sr
     12345 Reserve_fo root         w     07/05/2018 10:00:00  07/12/2018 09:30:00  167:30:00    false
Field Description
ar-id Reservation ID (AR-ID)
name Reserve name
owner root is always displayed
state Status of reservation
start at Start reservation date (start time is 10:00 a.m. at all time)
end at End reservation date (end time is 9:30 a.m. at all time)
duration Reservation term (hhh:mm:ss)
sr false is always displayed

If you want to show the number of nodes that can be reserved, you need to access User Portal, or useqrstat command with --available option.

Checking the Number of Reservable Nodes for Compute Nodes(V)

[username@es1 ~]$ qrstat --available
06/27/2018  441
07/05/2018  432
07/06/2018  434

Checking the Number of Reservable Nodes for Compute Nodes(A)

[username@es1 ~]$ qrstat --available -l rt_AF
06/27/2021   41
07/05/2021   32
07/06/2021   34


The no reservation day is not printed.

Cancel a reservation


Canceling reservation is permitted to a Responsible Person or User Administrators.

To cancel a reservation, use the qrdel command or the ABCI User Portal. When canceling reservation with qrdel command, multiple reservation IDs can be specified as comma separated list. If you specify a reservation ID that does not exist or a reservation ID that you do not have deletion permission for, an error occurs and any reservations are not canceled.

Example) Cancel a reservation

[username@es1 ~]$ qrdel 12345,12346

How to use reserved node

To run a job using reserved compute nodes, specify reservation ID with the -ar option.

Example) Execute an interactive job on compute node reserved with reservation ID 12345.

[username@es1 ~]$ qrsh -g grpname -ar 12345 -l rt_F=1 -l h_rt=1:00:00
[username@g0001 ~]$ 

Example) Submit a batch job on compute node reserved with reservation ID 12345.

[username@es1 ~]$ qsub -g grpname -ar 12345
Your job 12345 ("") has been submitted


  • You must specify ABCI group that you specified when making reservation.
  • The batch job can be submitted immediately after making reservation, until reservation start time.
  • The batch job submitted before resevation start time can be deleted with qdel command.
  • If a reservation is deleted before reservation start time, batch jobs submitted to the reservation will be deleted.
  • At reservation end time, running jobs are killed.

Cautions for Using reserved node

Advance Reservation does not guarantee the health of the compute node for the duration. Some reserved compute nodes may become unavailable while they are in use. Please check the following points.

  • To check the availability status of the reserved compute nodes, using the qrstat -ar ar_id command.
  • If some reserved compute nodes appear unavailable status the day before the reservation start date, consider canceling the reservation and making the reservation again.
  • For example, if the compute node becomes unavailable during the reservation period, please check Contact and contact


  • Reservation can be canceled by 9:00 p.m. of the day before the reservation starts.
  • Reservation cannot make when there is no free compute node.
  • Hardware failures are handled properly. Please refrain from inquiring about unavailability before the day before the reservation starts.
  • Requests to change the number of reserved compute nodes or to extend the reservation period can not be accepted.

Example) g0001 is available, g0002 is unavailable

[username@es1 ~]$ qrsub -a 20180705 -d 7 -g grpname -n 2 -N "Reserve_for_AI" 
Your advance reservation 12345 has been granted
[username@es1 ~]$ qrstat -ar 12345
message                             reserved queue gpu@g0002 is disabled
message                             reserved queue gpu@g0002 is unknown
granted_parallel_environment        perack01
granted_slots_list                  gpu@g0001=80,gpu@g0002=80


On-demand and Spot Services

In On-demand and Spot services, when starting a job, the ABCI point scheduled for job is calculated by limited value of elapsed time, and subtract processing is executed. When a job finishes, the ABCI point is calculated again by actual elapsed time, and repayment process is executed.

The calculation formula of ABCI point for using On-demand and Spot services is as follows:

Service charge coefficient
× Resource type charge coefficient
× POSIX priority charge coefficient
× Number of resource type
× max(Elapsed time[sec], Minimum Elapsed time[sec])
÷ 3600


  • The five and under decimal places is rounding off.
  • If the elapsed time of job execution is less than the minimum elapsed time, ABCI point calculated based on the minimum elapsed time.

Reserved Service

In Reserved service, when completing a reservation, the ABCI point is calculated by a period of reservation, end subtract processing is executed. The repayment process is not executed unless reservation is cancelled. The points are counted as the usage points of the person responsible for the use of the group.

The calculation formula of ABCI point for using Reserved service is follows:

Service charge coefficient
× Resource type charge coefficient
× number of reserved nodes
× number of reserved days
× 24


Reservation for Compute Node (V) is treated as resource type rt_F, and reservations for Compute Node (A) is treated as resource type rt_AF.

  1. The sum of /local1 (1590 GB) and /local2 (1850 GB).